Tu sei qui: Economia e TurismoYour vacation in the Amalfi Coast: there is no virus here /A GUIDE
Inserito da (Maria Abate), martedì 3 marzo 2020 15:57:21
In the Amalfi Coast, there are currently no signs of warning about Coronavirus [COVID-19]. The situation is analogous in the whole province of Salerno, while in the Campania region the phenomenon is constantly monitored and, as of today, does not spark any particular worries.
That being said, the Amalfi Coast is naturally not classified as an area at risk. Local sanitary entities are constantly monitoring the situation and reporting and providing data to the authorities in charge.
Italy has one of the most advanced sanitary systems in the world, and the Coronavirus issue has been faced with great determination by the Government, using all available resources, and complying with WHO’s recommendations. Centralized coordination of operations has been entrusted to the Civil Protection department, an entity that’s been widely regarded as one of the excellences on an international level.
The main outbreak hotbeds in Northern Italy have been identified and, since Saturday February 21st, strict containment procedures have been enforced, waiting for the situation to evolve.
Is the Amalfi Coast "open" to everybody? Of course, and with no limitations whatsoever. At this stage, obviously, precautionary controls at the entrance gates of the Amalfi Coast are being enforced. Procedures such as temperature measurements for people embarking and disembarking cruise ships and transiting through airports and train stations in the Region are being carried out.
Amalfi Coast’s Hotel and other accommodations operators who – at the moment of check-in – are dealing with Guests coming from one of the towns classified in the "red zone" by the Ministry of Health, can promptly report to 112, so that the authorities in charge can intervene, complying with procedures dictated by the Ministry of Health itself.
In order to limit any risks of contamination of Coronavirus, residents of areas in the "red zone" are currently banned from exiting such areas until the end of the emergency.
The entire staff of Hotels and other accommodations in the Amalfi Coast are constantly updated on the procedures to follow in such cases.
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